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The cosmic microwave background historical and philosophical lessons

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The cosmic microwave background historical and philosophical lessons

Perović, Slobodan Ćirković, Milan M.  
Kosmologie Kosmische Hintergrundstrahlung
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Autor/Hrsg./Bearb.: Perović, Slobodan   Fragezeichen
Autor/Hrsg./Bearb.: Ćirković, Milan M.   Fragezeichen
Titel: The cosmic microwave background
Untertitel: historical and philosophical lessons
Von: Slobodan Perović (University of Belgrade), Milan M. Ćirković (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade)
Ort: Cambridge ; New York ; Melbourn ; New Delhi ; Singapore
Verlag: Cambridge University Press
Jahr: 2024
Umfang: x, 205 Seiten
Details: Illustrationen, Diagramme
Format: 25 cm
Anmerkungen: Literaturverzeichnis Seite 185-200. - Index
Abstract: "The untold story of how the cosmic microwave background radiation was interpreted following its discovery is a modern case study of theory building within the history and philosophy of science. It examines the epistemological factors at play between the emerging scientific orthodoxy of the Big Bang theory and its alternatives"--
Angaben zum Inhalt: Physical cosmology : a brief introduction -- Discovery of the CMB and current cosmological orthodoxy -- What constitutes an unorthodoxy? Epistemological framework of cosmology -- Moderate unorthodoxies : the CMB with the Big Bang -- Radical unorthodoxies : the CMB without the Big Bang -- Formation of the orthodoxy and the alternatives : epistemological lessons -- Other philosophically relevant aspects of the CMB.
ISBN: 9781108844604
ISBN: 110884460X
Notation: AST800
Schlagwort: Kosmologie
Kosmische Hintergrundstrahlung
Weitere Schlagwörter: Cosmic background radiation Cosmology Philosophy Rayonnement cosmologique Cosmologie Philosophie
Sprache: Englisch
Andere Ausgabe: Erscheint auch als
_Bemerkung: Online-Ausgabe
_ISBN: 9781108951968
Katkey: 2021760