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Conflict the evolution of warfare from 1945 to Gaza : fully updated to include the Israel-Gaza conflict

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Conflict the evolution of warfare from 1945 to Gaza : fully updated to include the Israel-Gaza conflict

Petraeus, David Howell Roberts, Andrew  
Paperback edition
9780008568016 0008568014
Kriegführung Geschichte 1945-2023
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Autor/Hrsg./Bearb.: Petraeus, David Howell   Fragezeichen
Autor/Hrsg./Bearb.: Roberts, Andrew   Fragezeichen
Titel: Conflict
Untertitel: the evolution of warfare from 1945 to Gaza : fully updated to include the Israel-Gaza conflict
Von: General David Petraeus, Andrew Roberts
Ausgabe: Paperback edition
Ort: London
Verlag: William Collins
Jahr: 2024
Umfang: 586 Seiten, 16 ungezählte Seiten Tafeln
Details: Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten
Format: 20 cm
Anmerkungen: Includes bibliographical references and index
Abstract: Two leading authorities - a bestselling historian and the outstanding battlefield commander and strategist of our time - collaborate on a landmark examination of war since 1945
ISBN: 9780008568016
Preis/Einband: pbk.
ISBN: 0008568014
Notation: MIL010
Schlagwort: Kriegführung ; Geschichte 1945-2023
Weitere Schlagwörter: Military art and science History 20th century Military art and science History 21st century Warfare and Defence Warfare and Defence
Sprache: Englisch
Katkey: 2073313